Pretty marginal. Didn't hardly do anything today, too distracted by other stuff.
Yesterday I managed to load a tape version of Scripsit and save and load a file with Audacity. Low hanging fruit to be sure, but workable enough. At least I have the cartridge version for when I am totally impatient. I will have to try writing the text for a blog post on the CoCo for kicks, although converting from audio back to text will either be easy (if there's a tool) or incredibly painful -> impossible if not.
I've been using the CoCo 1, particularly since I'm still waiting on my DriveWire cable. From what I've read the 32k on my CoCo 1 just isn't enough to make that work. Maybe I'll tack some sort of cliche photos up here to make it less boring. I've got to try loading some games. I really wish I could load stuff directly from tape for that real tape experience, but that'll have to wait until I can have a go at saving audio TO the tape from my laptop.
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